Capturing Pupil Voice Survey

Pupil voice is integral to Rockerbox, allowing you to foster reflective learning, monitor progress, and ensure we tailor our content to suit your readers. Your participation in the 'Capturing Pupil Voice' survey empowers your students to shape their reading environment and promotes reading enjoyment. 


Step 1: Begin by downloading and printing the appropriate survey for your pupils' reading levels on Rockerbox. For readers at Jade or Copper reading levels, please ensure they have the necessary support to complete the survey questions effectively.

Step 2: Complete the surveys during class time. Submissions can be completely anonymous so that pupils share their true feelings.

Step 3: After completion, scan the surveys and send them to your School Success Manager. We'll then compile a comprehensive overview for your school and provide timely reminders for future survey participation.


Your contribution is vital in shaping our community and enhancing student experiences.

Thank you for your participation!

Download the Capturing Pupil Voice survey pack