Viewing school data as a whole

School Admin Portal

With the School Admin Portal, you can effortlessly navigate and oversee all of your classes who are using the Rockerbox News platforms. This feature enables you to conveniently monitor your pupils' progress and stay up-to-date with their accomplishments.

Currently you can view the following individual pupil data:

  • Number of pupil logins
  • Number of articles read
  • Number of questions attempted

You also have the ability to view the following teacher data:

  • Number of logins
  • Number of tasks set
  • How many pupil profiles in the class

Admin actions that can be completed:

  • Add/remove new class
  • Add/remove new teacher
  • Add/remove pupil/class
  • Upload class/group of pupils by csv
  • Move pupils to an alternative class
  • Download pupil login cards
  • View history of tasks set by each teacher - View assigned pupils, how they have completed their tasks and the task set

Half-Termly Reading Challenge:

  • View and download individual pupil certificates
  • Download available certificates for the whole class (Individual pupil certificates)

Learn how to access your School Admin Portal here.