Updating Pupil Accounts: Nickname & Password

Updating a pupils nickname or password is super easy, follow the steps below:


Update pupil nickname

  1. Login to your Teacher Portal
  2. Scroll to the pupils mini dashboard that you would like to amend the nickname of
  3. Click 'Manage profile'
  4. Input the new 'nickname'
  5. Click 'Update profile'
  6. Your pupil's 'nickname' has now been reset

Update pupil password

  1. Login to your Teacher Portal
  2. Find the pupil that you are updating the password for
  3. Click 'Manage profile'
  4. Input a new password
  5. Input the new password again in the "Confirm password" row
  6. Click 'Update profile'
  7. Your pupil's account password has now been reset