How Can I Help a Pupil with Autism Avoid Tech Fatigue?

Technology can sometimes be overwhelming for those who struggle with sensory processing issues and executive functioning. Here's how you can help pupils to avoid tech fatigue when they're using Rockerbox News


Plan for 'Digital Dashes' rather than long reading sessions

Rockerbox News articles are designed to be short, impactful and exciting. You should be able to read an article and answer the related questions in under 10 minutes, making it great for Digital Dashes.

Have a regular schedule for technology time

  • Create a schedule for your pupils, including designated times for using Rockerbox News
  • Provide a visual schedule to give your pupils a clear outline of what activities are planned throughout the day. This can help reduce anxiety and provide structure for pupils who may struggle with executive functioning. Consider creating a visual schedule that includes designated times for technology.

Incorporate Sensory Breaks

Many pupils with autism have sensory processing issues and can get easily overwhelmed by technology. Incorporating sensory breaks throughout the day can help your pupils recharge and reduce sensory overload.

Schedule Regular Breaks

Encourage your pupils to step away from their devices, get them to move, stretch and rest their eyes.

Adjust Device Settings

Adjusting your pupils device settings can help reduce the risk of tech fatigue. Help your pupils to adjust the brightness and colour temperature of their screen to reduce eye strain, and try enabling the "do not disturb" mode to minimise distractions.


By taking these simple but effective steps you can help to avoid tech fatigue and optimise your pupil's learning experience. Remember to also communicate with parents and other support staff to ensure consistent strategies are being implemented across all settings.