Engage your wider community

We understand how valuable it is to get parents and carers involved, so we have created some valuable resources for you to use.

Rockerbox News is all about non-fiction, real-world, and timely stories. The Rockerbox News articles are perfect for parents and children to discuss, some adults may have already heard about certain events in the news. As everything is age-appropriate it can be fun for the whole family, it's always great to learn something new!


Resources available to your school:

  • Parent and carer live webinars: allow a member of the Rockerbox News team to guide your school's parents and carers through the platforms and explain all the positive benefits of supporting their children with their engagement. Get in touch with your School Success Manager to book 
  • Parent and carer introduction video: include this short informative introduction video in the communications home
  • Parent and carer pack: This pack allows you to send information home without causing any extra work, just print or share on your online platform. Click here to download 
  • Share a link to our website: use our brand pack to share the exciting news that you are now a Rockerbox News school! You can also share a link to the family page on our website - https://myrockerbox.com/families/

Any questions? Get in touch with your School Success Manager who will be happy to help!


Have you completed Step 8 and decided on how to involve your school community? Move on to Step 9.