Why is my pupil unable to log into their account?

Steps to identifying and resolving pupil login issues with Rockerbox News. 


The most common reasons for a pupil being unable to log in to their Rockerbox News account are:

  • Incorrect password
  • Incorrect nickname
  • Initiated account deletion through the Rockerbox News iOS app
  • Unable to download Rockerbox News app

Go straight to the section you need by using the links to the right, or scrolling.

Incorrect Password

Follow these simple steps to reset your pupil's Rockerbox News password.

  1.  Login to your Teacher Portal
  2. Find the pupil experiencing the login issue
  3. Click 'Manage profile'
  4. Input a new password
  5. Input the new password again in the "Confirm password" row
  6. Click 'Update profile'
  7. Your pupil's account password has now been reset

Incorrect Nickname

If your pupil is experiencing issues logging in to their Rockerbox News account, please check their nickname (their username) is correct. You can do this by:

  1.  Login to your Teacher Portal
  2. Find the pupil experiencing the login issue
  3. Click 'Manage profile'
  4. Check that the Nickname they use is the same as the one you have listed.
  5. Update the Nickname (username) if required

Initiation of Account Deletion through the iOS app

Apple has updated Guideline 5.1.1(v) Data Collection and Storage to enforce a requirement for end users of any app (in our case, the pupil app for Rockerbox News) to have an option to “initiate account deletion”.

To comply with this update, account deletion can now be initiated through the Rockerbox News iOS app in the ‘Settings’ section.

If account deletion is initiated on a pupil account in your school, the account will be automatically frozen until you instruct us further. At your request, any information and data we hold for that pupil will be permanently deleted. If account deletion was initiated by mistake, the account can be reactivated immediately.

Download an information guide on this feature.

If you are still having issues with a pupil's login, don't hesitate to get in touch with your school success team through the live chat here and they will be in touch to help you.

Unable to Download Rockerbox News app



Whitelisting is a cybersecurity program that permits only a pre-approved list of applications, programs, websites, IP addresses, email addresses, or IP domains to run on your protected network and devices. You can only access certain applications once you have received approval from the administrator. Anything outside of the list will be denied access.

Please ask your IT department to add the Rockerbox platforms to your approval list:

1. https://teachers.myrockerbox.com

2. https://students.myrockerbox.com

3. The Rockerbox apps if you will be using them on tablets, iPads, or Chromebooks