Getting pupils set up for home learning

Learn how to get your pupils set up for using Rockerbox News at home.


It's super simple to get your pupils set up for learning at home with Rockerbox News.

To encourage usage at home we have our Rockerbox News Parent Pack. This pack is full of information about our platforms and letters to send home to parents and carers.

Strengthening Home-School Links

To enhance family engagement and accessibility, Rockerbox News is also available as a free mobile and tablet app. Family support for reading can have a huge impact on reading improvement and enjoyment. With Rockerbox News, your pupils can log into their personal platform at home.

As an educator, you can create tasks and assign articles to be completed at home too. As with everything your pupils do in school on Rockerbox News, you can track their engagement and progress in your Rockerbox News teacher dashboard.

Download our pack here

For families who would love further information on Rockerbox News, why not send them to our Families page!