The 5 "Be" Considerations for Inclusive Awareness Days - In Partnership with nasen

A buzzing, co-produced resource from nasen and Rockerbox News


Awareness days and themed days can play an important role in any curriculum. They are a great way to raise awareness, acceptance, and funds for important local and global issues. 

Awareness days can help young people to learn compassion. They encourage them to develop their understanding of the wider world, and they ask them to consider their place within it.  In general, we think including awareness days throughout the year as part of your curriculum is great. You'll find many of them covered at five empowering reading levels on Rockerbox News.

Having related, differentiated reading materials is just the start of creating an environment that's inclusive by design. In this co-produced guide with nasen (National Association for Special Educational Needs) and the nasen young associate's board, we've put together five ‘Be’ considerations for making sure your awareness days benefit everyone.

Click here to download your copy of The 5 "Be" Considerations for Inclusive Awareness Days