Introduce your pupils to Rockerbox

Time to introduce your pupils to Rockerbox!


At this stage, you should have a clear understanding of how you will use and integrate Rockerbox into your weekly lesson plans and homework. To help you introduce your pupils to Rockerbox and encourage them to explore it on their own, there are several useful articles available. These articles provide excellent guidance on the best methods to employ.

Contact the Newsroom

We do everything we can to help you and your pupils get off to a great start on your Rockerbox News journey. We want them to develop confidence and feel empowered from the moment they first sign in. Our 'Contact The Newsroom' introduction activity is the perfect way to engage your pupils and kickstart the learning experience.

This interactive activity is designed to encourage students to explore the platform independently and find articles and topics that engage and inspire.

Reciprocal Reading Games

Reciprocal reading involves pupils in a small group taking on different roles of a teacher to discuss and understand a text together. Reciprocal reading is a great way to teach pupils important reading skills and it works particularly well with non-fiction texts.

The ultimate objective of a reciprocal reading programme is for pupils to start using all four strategies naturally in their independent reading. 

Download a Reciprocal Reading with Rockerbox News pack here.

Host a Launch Assembly

Hosting a Rockerbox News launch assembly is a great way to start your launch week with a bang. The more children and pupils involved, the more engaging the launch week will be. Here's what it might include:

  • Give a live demonstration (or ask older pupils already using the platform to take the lead)
  • Set up a Rockerbox News launch week challenge and see which class can read the most Rockerbox News articles in a single week

Launch a Game of 'Do You Know?'

Great for:

  • Quickly boosting engagement in reading
  • Competitive classes and year groups


Find out more in-depth information about our launch ideas here.

Have you had great success introducing Rockerbox News to your class in a way we haven't yet listed above? We'd love to hear what you've been up to and share your tips and ideas with other Rockerbox News subscribing schools.


Have you completed Step 6 and decided on a launch method for your school? Move on to Step 7.